Pastor Nathan: Living in today’s world, we don’t often realize how easily other cultural and spiritual practices slip into our lives. Many of us know about practices like yoga and meditation and concepts like karma, but few stop to consider their origins or meanings. In this post, I’ll walk you through some of the subtle ways Hinduism has influenced everyday activities and language, and how these things can shape our perspectives without us even realizing it.
The Hindu Creep
For instance, take yoga. Many people see it as a harmless form of exercise or relaxation, but its roots trace back to Hindu worship. Certain poses are more than mere stretches; they’re movements connected to Hindu gods and rituals. The Indian prime minister has even promoted yoga globally as a part of India's spiritual reach, spreading Hindu principles through its popularity.
Mindfulness, holistic health, and meditation are also increasingly popular and often linked to wellness. However, these practices focus on emptying the mind, which contradicts the biblical call to have the mind of Christ and to be in our own right mind. In Hinduism, this practice is about connecting to the self and other spirits, a dangerous step that opens the door to demon possession.
Then, there’s the use of crystals and the concept of “energy” from natural elements. This practice also finds its roots in Eastern religions. Many believe that crystals can provide healing or protection, but these practices lean heavily on spiritual beliefs outside of Christ.
Even language reflects Hindu influence. Phrases like “holy cow,” “karma,” and “namaste” are tied to Hindu beliefs. “Karma” suggests that a universal force manages justice—without any god involved. These ideas, though often used casually, are part of a broader worldview that diverges from Christian beliefs.
Key Takeaway
The influence of Hindu practices that have crept into our culture should stand as a warning to stay watchful. It’s easy to adopt things that appear harmless, but understanding their origins helps us stay in the center of God's will. While exploring other practices or phrases may seem safe, it’s important to remember the importance of knowing the truth and remaining true to it. With this awareness, you can walk in a way that aligns with Jesus Christ and keeps you focused on the path God has set for you.